Monday 17 September
1000-1055 | Registration/Tea/Coffee | |
1055-1100 | Hajo Broersma | Welcome to Durham |
1100-1130 | Emgad Bachoore | Convex Recoloring of Leaf-Colored Trees |
1130-1200 | Fouad Chedid | A Scalable Parallelization of the Two-List Algorithm of Optimal Cost O(2n/2) |
1200-1230 | Igor Razgon | Parameterized Directed Feedback Vertex Set and Multicut Problems in Directed Acyclic Graphs |
1300 | Lunch | |
1400-1500 | Bruno Courcelle | Monadic Second-Order Queries on Graphs: Vertex Labelling for Efficient Evaluation and Linear Delay Enumeration |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1530-1600 | Moham. Sohel Rahman | New Efficient Algorithms for LCS and Constrained LCS Problem |
1600-1630 | Michal Voracek | Computing Constrained LCS for Degenerate Strings using Finite Automata |
1630-1700 | Fran Rosamond | Parameterized Complexity of the Clique Partition Problem |
1830 | Dinner |
Tuesday 18 September
0800 | Breakfast | |
0900-0930 | Zoltan Miklos | On The Parallel Complexity of Structural CSP Decomposition Methods |
0930-1000 | Colin Sng | Popular Matchings in the Weighted Capacitated House Allocation Problem |
1000-1030 | Argimiro Arratia | Program Schemes with Deep Pushdown Storage |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1100-1130 | Haris Aziz | Computational and Combinatorial Aspects of Multiple Weighted Voting Games |
1130-1200 | Alexandre Borovik | Black Box Groups: Between Proof and Computation |
1200-1230 | Michael Dom | The Search for Consecutive Ones Submatrices: Faster and More General |
1300 | Lunch | |
1400-1500 | Peter Bro Miltersen | The “Names in Boxes” Puzzle and the Problem of Efficiently Answering EVERY Data Base Query |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1530-1600 | Paul Sant | Trees, Towers and Colourings |
1600-1630 | Elizabeth Scott | An Algorithm for Finding Connected Convex Subgraphs of an Acyclic Digraph |
1630-1700 | Alexander Tchernov | An Efficient Algorithm for r-Mino Recognising |
1830 | Dinner |
Wednesday 19 September
0800 | Breakfast | |
0900-0930 | Mike Fellows | Parameterized Complexity via Combinatorial Circuits |
0930-1000 | Oliver Kullmann | Multiclique, Partitions, SAT, and Beyond |
1000-1030 | Paul Bonsma | Spanning Trees with Many Leaves: a New Lower Bound and a Faster FPT Algorithm |
Tea/Coffee | ||
1100-1200 | Mike Paterson | Overhang Bounds |
1300 | Lunch |